Trend Spotting & Trend Analysis

Is it or isn't it a trend? Let us help you for FREE!

Spotting Trends: What If You Could Tell The Future?

Look around you. What are people buying, wearing, playing with, etc?  What is different from one, two or three years ago? If you knew that information three years ago, what would you have done differently? What products could you have sold? What investments would you have made?

The bad news is that there is no perfect crystal ball. The good news is that a cloudy crystal ball that gives you brief glimpses into the future is better than no crystal ball at all.

When choosing what products and service you want to offer, the sooner you spot trends, that effect those products and services, the better off you will be.

Spotting Trends: This Can Make Or Break A Business

We have made (and lost) thousands of dollars because of trends:

  • Around 1991 we noticed that interest in software that helps taxpayers avoid penalties on IRA and pension distribution went from non existent to significant in one year's time. Result: Development of a computer program that has brought in over $360,000 in sales.

  • Over a two month period in 1997 we received frequent calls indicating interest in software that could help investors decide whether to invest in Roth vs. traditional IRAs. After spotting that trend, we projected it would last only 2 years.  We had a programmer spend two weeks writing our Roth Vs. Regular IRA Analyzer. Result: over $312,000 sales in two years. Also, as we projected, sales for that product dropped to almost zero after two year.

  • In January 2002, while reading an article it became obvious to us that the components to make a paperless office work had dropped in price and increased in capabilities. This was a convergence of trends to make the implementation of paperless offices economically feasible. Result: We authored and sold over $17,000 of a document that helps businesses to implement paperless offices.

  • We correctly spotted a trend that there would be a labor shortage in the later 1990s. However, we interpreted the ramifications incorrectly. We thought that the labor shortage would bring about an increased demand for financial software. In fact, the labor shortage reduced demand for certain types of software be cause the potential customers were too busy to even install new software. Result: Lower sales.

Even when the economy is slumping, there are some businesses that are doing booming businesses because they spotted a trend early. Are you going to let trends work for or against you?

We can help. through 4/30/2022, there will be no charge for this service.

Other Sources

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

 "How Little Things Can Make Big Differences" This book describes how small events can trigger major events.

Mastering The Dynamics Of Innovation by James Utterback

This book describes how and why products succeed, become popular, change and fade into history.

"This is the most valuable book I've read in years." -- Tom Peters.

I agree. - Dave Kaufmann



Denver Tax Software, Inc.
PO Box 632285, Littleton, CO 80163-2285
Voice: 1-800-326-6686     Fax: 1-888-326-6686

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