Knowledge Base System

Scheduled for release by Summer 1997



Microsoft Windows 3.1x, Microsoft Windows95, Microsoft WindowsNT.
8 MB of RAM. 
6+ MB of hard disk space.


$49 (+$7 S/H)


There is nothing more frustrating than spending several hours working on a technical support problem that you solved 6 months ago. The call comes in. The error number sounds familiar. You look through your notes. You remember writing something down, but you can’t find your note. Two hours later you have solved the same problem you solved 6 months before. You and your customer are both frustrated and aggravated. It could have been solved in 2 minutes with The Denver Tax Software (DTS) Knowledge Base System.

At the cost of $49, this program can easily pay for itself the first time you use it.

Case Study -- CTL3DV2.DLL
On February 26, 1996 one of our customers, Dale, got an error message, 'This application uses CTL3DV2.DLL which has not been correctly installed.' We found that this file should have been installed to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and that there should not be other copies of that file on the system.

On April 25, 1996, Cindy, got the same error message. We used a keyword search in the Knowledge Base System to remind us of the solution to the CTL3DV2.DLL problem on February 26. She removed the duplicate file, and the program ran fine.

Case Study -- Visual Basic (VB) Error 482
VB error 482 encompasses numerous printer errors, including some that are not covered in the VB documentation. We found on January 22, 1996 that one of our customers could solve this by changing the printer’s settings in Windows 95 to the correct port. We entered that solution into the Knowledge Base System. When someone would call in with an error 482, after consulting the Knowledge Base System, we had them check what port the printer was set to, and reset the printer to the correct port.

That solved many, but not all error 482 problems. On December 11, 1996, we found Microsoft’s Knowledge Base article Q130650. The article indicated that error 482 could also be associated with shared printers whose names contain spaces. We were able to find the customers that had unresolved VB error 482 on November 26, 1996 and October 15, 1996 and solve their problems with this solution. Thus, the Knowledge Base System gave us the capability to quickly answer old unresolved tech support situations. This resulted in several appreciative customers who were surprised we cared enough to call them back.

Case Study -- General Protection Fault (GPF) During Installation
Once every couple months we get a tech support call involving a GPF related to 'SHADOW'. We documented in the Knowledge Base System that restarting Windows and then re - installing solves the problem.

This problem does not occur frequently enough to memorize the solution. Checking the Knowledge Base for the solution has saved us hours of tech support conversations in the last year.

Who Should Use The Knowledge Base System:

    ˇ Technical Support Teams. Microsoft’s Knowledge Base has helped its customers while reducing its technical support costs. If you are responsible for technical support or a help desk, the Knowledge Base System can help you.

    ˇ Developers. Have you ever had an error message that comes up about once every six months? The error message probably doesn’t tell you very much. Why repeat the same diagnostic steps every six months. Enter the information in the Knowledge Base System, and figure the problem out only once.

Information Saved:

ˇ Date Of Problem.
ˇ Date Of Solution.
ˇ Customer Number. For problems that are internal, you can assign a Customer Number to a workgroup or the company.
ˇ Version Number.
ˇ Customer Contact.
ˇ Tech Rep Code.
ˇ Programming Language.
ˇ Key Words.
ˇ Description Of Problem.
ˇ Description Of Solution.

Search Criteria:

ˇ Date Of Problem.
ˇ Date Of Solution.
ˇ Customer Number.
ˇ Version Number.
ˇ Programming Language.
ˇ Key Words.

|Free Software|Support|


Denver Tax Software, Inc.
PO Box 632285, Littleton, CO 80163-2285
Voice: 1-800-326-6686     Fax: 1-888-326-6686

CopyrightŠ 1997-2022, Denver Tax Software, Inc.